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SettingsPane not found in Windows 10 build

How can I bind to a null value inside a template in a Universal Windows App?

c# xaml win-universal-app uwp

UWP Unit Tests fail to initialize client proxy in Visual Studio 2015

Windows Mobile & other Extensions for the UWP - which version should I use

Cordova/UWP Windows Mobile 10 Access Violation on HTML select element

Windows Store doesn't let to submit app with runFullTrust

UWP - Streaming WebCam over Socket to MediaElement - Broken Picture?

When should I use Border over Grid?

xaml uwp windows-10

How to get StackTrace without Exception in Windows Universal 10 App

Binding an event to a method, why does it work in UWP?

Why does my AdaptiveTrigger fire when I change the theme settings?

UWP Composition - Apply opacity mask to top 30px of a ListView

c# uwp alpha composition win2d

How to Bind IsSelected Property in DataTemplate of ListViewItem

xaml uwp

How to always install all localized resources in Windows Store UWP app?

Why does my AppBar appear as ClosedDisplayMode.Compact on Page load regardless of actual setting?

c# uwp uwp-xaml mytoolkit

UWP BitmapImage to Stream

UWP App crashes on startup

Build error when using Akavache + Mobile Center in a UWP project

UWP App Won't Start

How can I access output to stdout from a UWP console application in Windows 10?