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New posts in utf-8

problem with unicode decoding

Conversion of UTF-8 char * to CString

UTF8 scrambling during c++ file loading

UTF-8 strings in a MySQL database got messed up after configuration change

php mysql utf-8

How to check whether text file is encoded in UTF-8?

c++ utf-8

How to change the CP_ACP(0) of windows ANSI apis in an application?

smart quotes not converting properly into UTF8

What are the unicode ranges for Hindi accented characters?

unicode utf-8 diacritics hindi

Moose && utf8 (package|method) names

perl utf-8 moose

Convert Unicode character to NSString

iphone utf-8 unicode-string

Trouble comparing UTF-8 characters using wchar.h

c utf-8 widechar

I'd like to understand how a windows smart quote turns into "’"

Eclipse .properties file disable escaping of UTF-8 characters

How can I convert a String with \xf6 chars into a human readable one?

utf-8 characters not displaying in chrome [closed]

HTML is NULL in JSON object from json_encode

php utf-8 json

UTF-8 Encoding still wrong output

php html sql encoding utf-8

Issue with cfquery text encoding

How to fix wrong text file encoding?

Have Vim fully support UTF-8 on Windows

vim utf-8