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New posts in utf-8

How to do multi-part upload with Python requests library AND unicode filename?

In Ruby, how to UTF-8 encode this weird character?

ruby encoding utf-8

Python's handling of shell strings

How to remove unicode when reading data?

Convert encoding of a text file from utf-8 to ansi or unicode in python

python text encoding utf-8 ansi

I need dump table from SQL Server to csv in utf-8

sql-server csv utf-8 sqlcmd

Lua unicode, using string.sub() with two-byted chars

string unicode utf-8 lua char

How do I write this in a way that python does not interpret the data as unicode?

python unicode utf-8

Python3 utf-8 decode issue

Which is better to get the last X character of a Golang String?

string go utf-8 rune

Is it safe to update tables from utf8 to utf8mb4 in MySQL?

mysql utf-8 utf8mb4

How can I read a non-UTF8 file line by line in Rust

utf-8 rust

Saving a Linq to Xml file as ANSI instead of UTF-8 in C# (Ivy)

utf-8 linq-to-xml nant ansi ivy

utfcpp and Win32 wide API

c++ winapi utf-8 utf-16 wide-api

Unicode PHP source files

php unicode utf-8

Does the MySQLdb module in python returns utf8 encoding or unicode in this case?

Convert Unicode to UTF-8 Python

python database unicode utf-8

MAMP MySQL not recognizing my.cnf values in OSX

How to compare utf8 text in mysql query using java

Are there any places where utf8 vs. utf-8 vs. UTF8 vs. UTF-8 makes a difference? [closed]

php python mysql html utf-8