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New posts in userscripts

Why is script.onload not working in a Chrome userscript?

How do I add a userscript installation button to my web page?

Userscript notifications work on Chrome but not Firefox?

Chrome userscript error: "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame"

Can I have access to anonymous function variables in a userscript?

Is the Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) pattern really necessary when writing userscripts?

jQuery queue in Chrome userscript with popups?

My userscript only works when the page is refreshed or on iframes, not the main page?

How to convert a bookmarklet into a Greasemonkey userscript?

Override Chrome keyboard shortcuts in a user script

Chrome userscript fires on all pages despite @match and @include settings

How does GM_getTab(cb) work?

userscripts tampermonkey

Where does Chrome store userscripts.user.js files on a mac?

Javascript: keydown event not firing

Method for Debugging Userscripts in Chrome