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New posts in tampermonkey

Force Tampermonkey to run/execute script late

Get an Openload VTT subtitle link

Why can Tampermonkey's GM_xmlhttpRequest perform a CORS request?

Jquery with Tampermonkey

Redirect faster with Greasemonkey (or similar userscript engine)?

@require-ing jQuery overwrites the page's $ variable

Is there a way I can disable Tampermonkey for a specifiic site on Chrome?

Change a pop-up window's title using a Tampermonkey script?

How to catch status 503 in tampermonkey

How to completely disable all exit warning/confirm messages with userscript?

How do I intercept an API call and display data from it using a UserScript?

Get ID of custom element in javascript [duplicate]

Tampermonkey clicking a button by class

Tampermonkey play sound when page changes?

Type text into a React input using javascript (Tampermonkey script)?

Prevent execution of a specific inline script tag

jQuery in Greasemonkey 1.0 conflicts with websites using jQuery