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New posts in greasemonkey

How to get text from alert box?

Get an Openload VTT subtitle link

Removing images with Greasemonkey?

javascript greasemonkey

How to view the source of currently displayed html page(dynamically) than the original page? [duplicate]

How do I click on this button with Greasemonkey?

Switching off `@grant none` breaks my Greasemonkey script?

Adding lots of CSS classes to HTML elements

css greasemonkey

How do I replace plain text image URLs in textnodes with img elements using JavaScript?

Changing Javascript on an HTML page out of my control [duplicate]

javascript greasemonkey

Enter an input value with greasemonkey


How can I inject Javascript into a site, then make sure it's cross-browser compatible?

Jquery with Tampermonkey

How can I display the output of my userscript in a floating box on the side of the page?

calling Greasemonkey functions from web page [duplicate]


Redirect faster with Greasemonkey (or similar userscript engine)?

@require-ing jQuery overwrites the page's $ variable

how to replace Head script using Greasemonkey code

javascript greasemonkey

Script to save settings

greasemonkey scriptish

Programmatically fill reactjs form

GreaseMonkey Hello World

javascript greasemonkey