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jQuery queue in Chrome userscript with popups?

I would like to ask if it is possible to build Chrome or Greasemonkey script witch could open all popups in queue. So far i have 2 seperate scripts for this, but that is not working well since popups have anti-spam feature that don't allow too much of them at the same time.

What i would like to do is to process array of popup links in queue fashion and only open next when previous is closed. I have no expirience when it goes down to queues and any kind of event binding.

So resources i got:

1) Array of links already prepared

var URL_Array = [];

$('form[name="form_gallery"] .img img').each(function(i,e){
    // Format URL array here
    if($(this).closest('.object').children('.phs_voted_count').length == 0){
        var string = e.src;
        var nowBrake = string.substring(string.length-7,7);
        var splited = nowBrake.split('/');
        var urlStr = '/window/friend/gallery_view/'+splited[3]+'/'+splited[4]+'.html';
        URL_Array[i] = urlStr;

2) Script that votes on image in popup

    var voteBy            = '#vte_mark_12';            // Prefered vote icon
    var voteDefault       = '#vte_mark_5';             // Default vote icon
    var voteFormLoc       = 'image_voting';            // Image voting popups form
    var buyExtraVote      = 'image_voting_buy';        // If run out of votes buy more
    var captchaLoc        = 'input[name="captcha"]';   // Captcha input field
    var captchaTxt        = 'Enter captcha text!';     // Captcha alert text
    var simpatyFormId     = '#sym_send';               // Simpaty window form

    var startScript          = true; 
    var formProcessedAlready = false; // Used to check if image already was voted

        if($(captchaLoc).length > 0){
            $(captchaLoc).focus().css('border', '2px solid red');
            return false;
            if($('#50').length > 0){
                $('#50').attr('checked', true);
                $('form').attr('id', buyExtraVote);
                $('form').attr('id', voteFormLoc);
                if($(voteBy).length > 0){
                    $(voteBy).attr('checked', true);
                    setTimeout("$('#"+voteFormLoc+"').submit()", 2000);
                }else if($(voteDefault).length > 0){
                    $(voteDefault).attr('checked', true);
                    setTimeout("$('#"+voteFormLoc+"').submit()", 2000);
                    // If we have simpaty box autocast submit
                    if($(simpatyFormId).length > 0){
                        if($(captchaLoc).length > 0){
                            $(captchaLoc).focus().css('border', '2px solid red');
                            return false;
                            formProcessedAlready = true;
                        formProcessedAlready = true;


As far as i can understand it should go like this:
1) Get all unvoted urls and form array (done)
2) Queue all popups to open
3) Start first popup
4) Voting done and popup closes (done)
5) Start second popup
6) When array finished switch to next page (done)

What you think?

like image 890
arma Avatar asked Apr 24 '11 02:04


2 Answers

  • What are the exact URL's of the main page(s) and also of the popups?
  • What version of jQuery are you using, and how are you including it?

The exact URLs are important because the script needs to handle both the main pages and the popups and operate differently on each.

Their are 2 main ways to handle this. Either:

  1. Use include directives to make sure that the script runs on both the main page and the popup, but switches its behavior depending on the page type. This will have two different instances of the script running simultaneously, which is not a problem.

  2. Use include and possibly exclude directives to ensure that the script only runs on the main page. Then have the popup-opening code manipulate the form.

Here's how to do approach 1:

(1) Suppose the main pages were like:
    and the popup pages were like:
    Make sure the script's include-directives fire on both sets of pages.

(2) Ensure that jQuery is available on both kinds of pages. jQuery 1.5.1 is recommended. jQuery 1.3.2 probably won't work for the following code.

(3) Then code like the following should work:

var URL_Array   = [];
var PopupQueue  = $({});    //-- jQuery on an empty object - a perfect queue holder

//--- Is this a popup window or the main page?

if ( /\/window\/friend\/gallery_view\//i.test (window.location.href) )
    //--- This is a popup page

    var voteBy            = '#vte_mark_12';            // Prefered vote icon
    var voteDefault       = '#vte_mark_5';             // Default vote icon
    var voteFormLoc       = 'image_voting';            // Image voting popups form
    var buyExtraVote      = 'image_voting_buy';        // If run out of votes buy more
    var captchaLoc        = 'input[name="captcha"]';   // Captcha input field
    var captchaTxt        = 'Enter captcha text!';     // Captcha alert text
    var simpatyFormId     = '#sym_send';               // Simpaty window form

    var startScript          = true; 
    var formProcessedAlready = false; // Used to check if image already was voted

            if($(captchaLoc).length > 0){
                $(captchaLoc).focus().css('border', '2px solid red');
                return false;
                if($('#50').length > 0){
                    $('#50').attr('checked', true);
                    $('form').attr('id', buyExtraVote);
                    $('form').attr('id', voteFormLoc);
                    if($(voteBy).length > 0){
                        $(voteBy).attr('checked', true);
                        setTimeout("$('#"+voteFormLoc+"').submit()", 2000);
                    }else if($(voteDefault).length > 0){
                        $(voteDefault).attr('checked', true);
                        setTimeout("$('#"+voteFormLoc+"').submit()", 2000);
                        // If we have simpaty box autocast submit
                        if($(simpatyFormId).length > 0){
                            if($(captchaLoc).length > 0){
                                $(captchaLoc).focus().css('border', '2px solid red');
                                return false;
                                formProcessedAlready = true;
                            formProcessedAlready = true;

{   //--- This is a main page

    $('form[name="form_gallery"] .img img').each(function(i,e){
        // Format URL array here
        if($(this).closest('.object').children('.phs_voted_count').length == 0){
            var string = e.src;
            var nowBrake = string.substring(string.length-7,7);
            var splited = nowBrake.split('/');
            var urlStr = '/window/friend/gallery_view/'+splited[3]+'/'+splited[4]+'.html';
            URL_Array[i] = urlStr;

    //--- Load up the queue.
    $.each (URL_Array, function (PopupNum, PopupURL) {

        PopupQueue.queue ('Popups', function (NextQ_Item) {

            OpenPopupFromQueue (NextQ_Item, PopupNum+1, PopupURL);
        } );
    } );

    //--- Launch the Popups, one at a time.
    PopupQueue.dequeue ('Popups');

function OpenPopupFromQueue (NextQ_Item, PopupNum, PopupURL)
    var PopupWin    = window.open (PopupURL, "_blank");
    if (!PopupWin)
        console.log ('Bad URL ' + PopupURL)
        setTimeout (function() { NextQ_Item (); }, 2003);

    /*--- Only after the popup has loaded can we do any processing.
    PopupWin.addEventListener (
        function () {
            /*--- Setup the listener for when the popup has closed.
                We fire the next popup from the queue, there.
            PopupWin.addEventListener (
                function () {
                    PopupClosed (NextQ_Item);

            /*--- We could process the popup here, but it's better to let another instance of this
                script do it, instead.

function PopupClosed (NextQ_Item)
    //--- Launch the next popup from the queue.
    NextQ_Item ();
like image 162
Brock Adams Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09

Brock Adams

You could do something like:

var links = get_your_links();
function process_one() {
    if(links.length > 0) {
        show_popup(links.pop(), process_one);
function show_popup(link, callback) {
   var popup = window.open(link, "mywindow", "width=100,height=100");
   $(popup).bind("beforeunload", function() { 
     return true;


I hope it helps...

like image 22
iwiznia Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09
