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How can I access memcached with Javascript?

Let's say I have a working memcached deamon on a server. Let's say that this server is able to handle server side Javascript (APE in my case).

It should be easy to access memcached with some Javascript right on the server (I mean, in my mind...).

But I've to admit I'm running out of idea...

"Help plz" ? :)



This is working :

Ape.registerCmd("CMD", true, function(params, infos) {
Ape.log("cmd called");

var socket = new Ape.sockClient("11211", "", {flushlf: true});

socket.onConnect = function() {
    Ape.log("Connected to Memcached");
    Ape.log("Issued 'stats' commande to Memcached...");
    this.onRead = function(data) {
        Ape.log("Data from memcached : " + data);
//data = ...
infos.sendResponse('return', {'data':data});
like image 317
bPizzi Avatar asked Feb 07 '11 13:02


People also ask

How do I connect to memcached?

Click the Connect button to the right of your cluster's name, then click the Run in Cloud Shell button in the window that appears. cluster-name is the name of your cluster. cluster-zone is the zone your cluster is in. This must also be the zone your Memcached instance is in.

1 Answers

You talk to memcached over a socket, so if whatever server runs your JavaScript has a socket API you can write a memcached client for it.

If you can write javascript modules in C you can also do it, even if you don't have socket support in JavaScript.

like image 92
ThiefMaster Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10
