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Get browser URL box contents with JavaScript [duplicate]

XmlHttpRequest in a bookmarklet returns empty responseText on GET?

Why does twitter bookmarklet does not get blocked by popup blocker?

XPath different in IE and Firefox. Why?

javascript: long click for a bookmarklet

Creating thumbnail squares of images in javascript (without losing aspect ratio)

Simple bookmarklet not working in chrome

Chrome Bookmarklet which open in new tab with specific action

prompt bookmarklet

Sending Text Cross Domain By Bookmarklet

Bookmarklet which captures selected content including html tags

javascript bookmarklet

Bookmarklets Which Creates An Overlay On Page

How to do authentication in bookmarklet?

document.execCommand(‘cut’/‘copy’) was denied in bookmarklet

How can I modify the tumblr bookmarklet to post to a specific tumblr blog?

Javascript bookmarklet fails on certain sites, creates ghostly new <html> page

How to encode a URL as a CakePHP parameter

Calling a function created inside a bookmarklet

Get file path of currently executing JavaScript code for dynamically loaded cross domain JavaScript file

How do I detect a keyboard modifier in a bookmarklet?

Copy text to clipboard from bookmarklet