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New posts in undo

how to undo git submodule update

git undo git-submodules

Visual Studio : exclude outlining from undo/redo stack

Force IE contentEditable element to create line breaks on Enter key, without breaking Undo

html undo contenteditable

Vim undo: undo changes after file write

vim undo

How to undo all added files in Mercurial

mercurial add undo

How do I revert a file to 'last checkin' state in Mercurial?

mercurial undo

Undoing specific revisions in Subversion

svn undo cherry-pick

How to perform the TFS-equivalent of 'Undo pending changes'

git version-control undo

What is the difference between "Revert Commit" and "Undo Commit" in IntelliJ IDEA?

Autotools: how to cleanup files created by "./configure" in lighttpd project?

What are the differences between 'revert', 'amend,' 'rollback', and 'undo' a commit?

How to undo a merge (without commit)?

svn merge commit undo

Undo delete in GIT

Is there any way to undo the effects of "git revert head"?

git undo revert

DbContext discard changes without disposing

Git pull into wrong branch

git branch undo pull

How to abort a merge in mercurial?

Undoing a commit in TortoiseSVN

svn tortoisesvn undo

Is there a way to recover from an accidental "svn revert"?

svn undo revert

Using Vim's persistent undo?

vim undo undo-redo