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New posts in underscore.js

compare two arrays and return duplicate values

Using underscore's _.extend(...) without overriding some of the destination's members

javascript underscore.js

One modal rendering different templates when clicking on a element

Is there a reason why jQuery.each doesn't rely on Array.forEach when available? [duplicate]

Purpose of _.extend/_.assign?

In lodash.js, will it cache the result for `.value()` method?

"this" in underscore is undefined after compiling with browserify and debowerify

How to traverse JS object and all arrays and objects inside to compare it with its copy?

Listen to the value change of multi ranges with debounce

When is the 'remaining > wait' conditional statement ever true in underscore.js's implementation of throttle?

Backbone router won't fire events

Backbone.js PushStates: Fallback for Internet Explorer not working

Build javascript tree based on parent attribute in array of elements

Mixing Google Maps custom overlays with Backbone Views

Backbone with Lodash instead of Underscore, and Browserify

Understanding the structure of underscore.js code

javascript underscore.js

Underscore bind not work in IE8

How to use _.where() in underscore to compare values regardless of case

Set value in JSON by a path using lodash or underscore