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Purpose of _.extend/_.assign?

I've seen quite a few tutorials or code examples where the developer used either Underscore's _.extend method or Lodash's _.assign method when a simply adding the property would have sufficed, it's always confused me, what is the benefit of using extend/assign instead of simply adding the property? There are plenty of times where I can see the benefits of using these methods, when adding multiple properties from another object for instance but most often I've seen it used as in the example below where I don't see any benefit.

Is there a benefit that I am not aware of for the following code instead of assigning the property?


var Weather = function() {
   this.channel = postal.channel( "weather" );
   this.channel.subscribe( "fetch", this.fetch ).withContext( this );

_.extend(Weather.prototype, {
 fetch: function( city ) {
         url: "http://openweathermap.org/data/2.1/find/name?q=" + city + "&units=imperial",
         dataType: "jsonp",
         success: _.bind(function( data ) {
             this.channel.publish( "fetched", data.list[ 0 ] );
         }, this )

For instance, couldn't the above code be rewritten thusly:

Weather.prototype.fetch = function(...){...}

Or is there a negative to this?

like image 700
Patrick Cauley Avatar asked Jul 17 '14 14:07

Patrick Cauley

People also ask

What does _ Extend () do?

The _. extend() function is used to create a copy of all of the properties of the source objects over the destination object and return the destination object.

What is object extend?

Prototype - Object extend() MethodThis method copies all properties from the source to the destination object. This is used by Prototype to simulate inheritance by copying to prototypes.

What is jQuery extend?

jQuery | extend() method This extend() Method in jQuery is used to merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object.

1 Answers

It exists for the same reason jQuery has $.extend (including an npm port) and it has nothing to do with performance: to add one object's properies to a another object, thereby extending one with the other. Lodash' version allows for some more fine-grained control over the merge process using a customizer function.

Extending objects has a couple of uses, of which one is stated by the jQuery developers on writing plugins:

An improvement we can, and should, make to the code above is to expose the default plugin settings. This is important because it makes it very easy for plugin users to override/customize the plugin with minimal code. And this is where we begin to take advantage of the function object.

// Plugin definition.
$.fn.hilight = function( options ) {

    // Extend our default options with those provided.
    // Note that the first argument to extend is an empty
    // object – this is to keep from overriding our "defaults" object.
    var opts = $.extend( {}, $.fn.hilight.defaults, options );

    // Our plugin implementation code goes here.


// Plugin defaults – added as a property on our plugin function.
$.fn.hilight.defaults = {
    foreground: "red",
    background: "yellow"

In the above example you can clearly see that with are dealing with a preset object with properties, which needs to be extended or even overwritten by an unknown object with unknown properties, because that object is out of the plugin-developer's control

Sometimes we simply don't know which properties are on the extension object, sometimes it just makes things more readable and sometimes it is just to cumbersome to do it manually especially if you need a deep merge.

Another application is where you want to simulate a simple inheritance hierarchy:

// very trivial example:
var Super = { superFoo: function() {} };
var Sub1 =   { sub1Foo:   function() {} };
var Sub2 =   { sub2Foo:   function() {} };

$.extend(Sub1, Super) // now Sub1 has Super powers
$.extend(Sub2, Super) // now Sub2 has Super powers too
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Benny Bottema Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09

Benny Bottema