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New posts in underscore.js

Why include jQuery and underscore in every JS file in Backbone/Require.js project

Bower override dependency

Is there a benefit in using Lodash in an AngularJS project? [closed]

Do any templates support 2-way binding using backbone.js?

backbone.js underscore.js

Sort array containing objects based on another array using _Underscore

Interpolate inside html attributes with Underscore.js

How to get sum of an array object keys in underscore.js?

When is obj.length not equal to +obj.length?

javascript underscore.js

Get part of JS object

Use underscore to return true or false with findWhere

javascript underscore.js

backbone.js - controller properties from a view

Backbone collection.add is not working

How to test LoDash debounce in Jasmine with Sinon fakeTimer?

What is the best way to include jQuery, Underscore, and Backbone as AMD modules using require.js?

Which Script Loaders(AMD or not) for using with Backbone.js/Underscore?

Creating a custom "sync" method in Backbone.js

How does map work with a Backbone collection?

grunt-contrib-htmlmin how to ignore template tags

Javascript _.map() vs array.map(); why does one work here and not the other?

condensing the array object recursively in javascript