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New posts in underscore.js

lodash indexBy with not uniq keys

swap underscore 1.8.3 for lodash 4.2.1 in backbone marionette 2.4.4

deep flatten all items in collection using lodash

Why isn't the underscore module available in the Node.js console?

node.js underscore.js

Place client-side JavaScript templates in HTML or JavaScript?

How do I find the intersection of an array of arrays that contain objects using Javascript/underscorejs?

How do I find mysteriously bound Javascript events

How can i merge array of objects with underscore js

Backbone.js: How do I filter a collection of objects by an array of model IDs?

template not loading in backbone.js ( TypeError: text is undefined )

backbone.js underscore.js

Some concern about the functions in underscore.js being async or sync

How can I add a delay inside each iteration of an _.each loop in underscore.js?

Filter the original array of objects by array of ids

Using functions in a underscore template

Underscore.js object-object mapper?

Difference between two arrays of objects coffeescript using underscore js

use underscore.js list functions on collection of jquery objects

jQuery get raw text (unescaped) for further parsing via underscore templates

How to replace undefined values with empty string in an array object?

Using Underscore.js to filter an array of objects on a property using a 'contains'