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New posts in uiview

Is there a way to get a position (or center) state from a unfinished UIView animation?

How can I forward touches to a UIButton from another UIView?

iphone events uiview uibutton

uiview doesn't show in app delegate

iphone uiview ipad uiwindow

transitionFromView does the right thing, BUT without animation. Why?

iphone uiview transition

in IB how do I get a subview to stay at the same size as it's parent when I resize the parent?

Unexpected behavior when autoresizing subviews loaded from nibs

Creating a view controller without a nib

iOS: Gesture recogniser for smooth scrolling and flicking a View

Is it possible to send a UIView by e-mail? [closed]

Keep a UIView or UIViewController on top of all others

create a view like facebook menu navigation in iphone [closed]

Block passing Gestures to SuperView

How to mask the layer of a view by the content of another view?

ios uiview uiimageview calayer

Autolayout violates translation rotation animation

IOS 7 hide tabbar issue

Swift swipe-able views

ios uiview swift

How to add top level constraints and disable translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints in Interface Builder .xib file

UIButton with the imageView set to UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill doesn't fill completely with small images

Should I enclose "addArrangedSubview" to the animation block or not?

How to resize views after dynamic type's UIContentSizeCategoryDidChangeNotification

ios layout text uiview ios9