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New posts in uac

Why does my application allow me to save files to the Windows and System32 folders in Vista?

Create shortcuts programmatically from C# and set "Run as administrator" property

c# windows-7 uac shortcut

Need to elevate permissions without UAC pop ups

c# uac

How to correctly sign an executable

Is there an API call to prompt user for UAC elevation?

winapi uac

When developing, do you turn off UAC in Vista?

windows-vista uac

Start a process as user from an process running as admin

c# windows process admin uac

How to launch a program as as a normal user from a UAC elevated installer

installation uac nsis

CRXIR2 doesn't work with VS2010 on Windows 7 nor on Vista

How does the UAC know the application is going to need elevated privileges?

c# .net uac

How to add Assembly Manifest file to .exe file created with NetBeans IDE C++ MinGW

c++ windows netbeans uac

Permissions issue when publishing to WMI under network service account

windows-7 permissions wmi uac

How elevate and get admin rights on-demand in a .NET application?

Exe name like update.exe blocked by UAC in scheduled task

Is it possible to install into Program Files with limited privileges?

How to write to the user's My Documents directory with installer when the user used 'Run As Administrator'

How do I run my application while a UAC dialog window is showing?

.net windows vb.net uac

Windows UAC Dialog

windows winapi uac

Delphi external exe with admin privileges is minimized in Windows 8

Restart program unelevated