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New posts in type-constraints

haskell -- rank n constraints? (or, monad transformers and Data.Suitable)

C# Is it possible to create optional generic type constraints

How to constraint a generic to be of type enum?

How does the <:< operator work in Scala?

scala type-constraints

Equality on constraints

C# 4.0 dynamic: A potential performant solution to numeric generics?

Are value types boxed when passed as generic parameters with an interface constraint?

Haskell type family instance with type constraints

Constrain type parameter to a base type

F# type constraint for record type with specific property

Can you make an instance of a class not for a type but for a whole class in Haskell?

Constraint subset higher-order constraint

Functor instance for a GADT with type constraint

Default constraint kinds are ignored

Is it possible to constrain a C# generic method type parameter as "assignable from" the containing class' type parameter?

Using own class as a type parameter constraint in class declaration

How to define a scala method with type param that cannot be Any

Subtype in Scala: what is "type X <: Y"?

Scala Generics Type Constraints

Redundant generic constraint?