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New posts in tuples

Is there an elegant way to make a generic tuple struct with an unused type without PhantomData?

struct tuples rust traits

Strange inline assignment

how to group elements in a list based on frequency into a tuple

python list tuples

Create tuple of vectors from a Typelist

Spark: How RDD.map/mapToPair work with Java

Unit test file reading method with OpenFileDialog c#

Remove None from tuple

python tuples nonetype

haskell how to check two lists of tuples are equal and take union

list tuples

Inconsistent behavior concatenating lists and tuples in python

Haskell Tuple destructuring on infinite lists behaves differently when destructuring the Tuple as an argument than when destructuring using let

How do I implicitly convert Tuples to vector in Scala

scala tuples implicit

.Net 4: Easy way to dynamically create List<Tuple<...>> results

c# .net expression tuples

C++0x tuples have no iterators, right?

c++ iterator c++11 tuples

How to write a tuple of tuples to a CSV file using Python

python csv tuples

tuple to dict:one key and multiple values

python dictionary tuples

python tuples and lists. A tuple that refuses to convert

Tuple constructor vs list comp

python list tuples

Time complexity of casting lists to tuples in python and vice versa

How do I store version number strings in a django database so they are correctly comparable/sortable

python mysql django tuples

How to unpack a tuple into more values than the tuple has?