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New posts in tuples

C++14 auto lambda can accept Obj<std::tuple<void> > -- but template functions cannot?

c++ templates lambda tuples auto

Scala Array Slicing with Tuple

arrays scala tuples

Formatted string literals in Python 3.6 with tuples

What is the special status of the 2-tuple?

haskell tuples

How to ignore unpacked parts of a tuple as argument of a lambda?

Erlang: Get the first element of each tuple in a list

defining a variadic coordinate (tuple) type in C++17?

In Julia, is it more performant to grow a Tuple from the front or the back?

tuples julia

Set of Tuples in JavaScript?

In Julia, why use a Pair over a two element Tuple?

types tuples julia

Returning tuple with variable number of elements

scala tuples

Why use a 1-tuple, Tuple<T1> in C#? [duplicate]

c# .net tuples

Python all combinations of a list of lists

spark finding max value and the associated key

Scala underscore explanation

Error while converting tuples to Pandas DataFrame

python pandas dataframe tuples

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'dim', when feeding input to Pytorch LSTM network

python tuples lstm pytorch torch

C# ValueTuple of any size

c# collections tuples

How to get a flattened tuple type of a tuple of tuples?

Why is TRest in Tuple<T1... TRest> not constrained?

c# .net constraints tuples