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New posts in trigonometry

Java BigDecimal trigonometric methods

Rotate line around center point given two vertices

Math.Cos & Math.Sin in C#

c# trigonometry

Is php deg2rad() equal to mysql radians()

php sql mysql trigonometry

How to calculate the angle of a vector from the vertical?

Find the Angle between two Bearings

how to extrude a path in 3d?

How to plot N points on the surface of a D-dimensional sphere roughly equidistant apart?

Calculating the Viewing Frustum in a 3D Space

how to solve cos 90 problem in java? [duplicate]

java math trigonometry

Vector direction for gravity in a circular orbit

c# vector physics trigonometry

Radian measure in sin in R?

r trigonometry

Shortest distance between two degree marks on a circle?

c++ trigonometry geometry

Converting polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates

math trigonometry

Is there a fast Way to return Sin and Cos of the same value in Python?

python numpy trigonometry

C++ library for integer trigonometry, speed optimized with optional approximations?

A faster but less accurate fsin for Intel asm?

Calculating angles between line segments (Python) with math.atan2

Assembly code for sin(x) using Taylor expansion

assembly x86 trigonometry

Implementation of sinpi() and cospi() using standard C math library