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New posts in transactionscope

Sql transaction failure

Common Gotchas when using TransactionScope and MS DTC

.net transactionscope msdtc

How to implement a memory transaction scope in C#?

TransactionScope causes TransactionManagerCommunicationException when used for DB unit tests

Transaction Scope fails with BeginTransaction in Oracle : Connection is already part of a local or a distributed transaction

Entity Framework Forcing Distributed Transaction

Why TransactionScope timeout is defined in machine.config?

c# .net transactionscope

Why is my TransactionScope trying to use MSDTC when used in an EF Code First app?

Why does the following SQL Server insert deadlock when run within a transaction?

Preparing for multiple EF contexts on a unit of work - TransactionScope

Transaction can't handle parallel commands via Task.WhenAll

TransactionScope not working with Parallel Extensions?

Multiple databases(datacontext) on same server without MS DTC

Data committed even though System.Transactions.TransactionScope.Commit() not called

Commit and rollback Oracle transactions

Where should I perform action when implementing IEnlistmentNotification?

TransactionScope alternative without DTC

TransactionInDoubtException using System.Transactions on SQL Server 2005

SharePoint 2007: How can I perform a series of operations within a transaction?

C# - Usage of transactions in business layer (SQLServer 2005+ , Oracle) - good examples