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New posts in parallel-extensions

Can I develop production code with Microsoft Parallel Extensions to .NET Framework 3.5, June 2008 Community Technology Preview?

.net parallel-extensions

How to call Parallel.ForEach with a multidimensional array

Is multi-level ConcurrentDictionary still thread-safe?

Correct way to guarantee thread safety when adding to a list using Parallel library

Running the same linq query on multiple IQueryable in parallel?

c# linq parallel-extensions

Task.WaitAll on a list in F#

How to make PLINQ to spawn more concurrent threads in .NET 4.0 beta 2?

Using .Net Parallel Extensions (Parallel.Invoke) for multiple asynchronous calls?

Progress update in Parallel.For() loops

.net parallel-extensions

Task Parallel Library - Custom Task Schedulers

Thread-safe buffer of data to make batch inserts of controlled size

TransactionScope not working with Parallel Extensions?

Using Parallel Extensions with ThreadStatic attribute. Could it leak memory?

Choosing minimum among minima using Parallel.ForEach

ConcurrentBag<T> getting duplicates (seems not to be thread safe)

c# parallel-extensions

Parallel.For interruption

Azure TableQuery thread safety with Parallel.ForEach

Azure Table Storage Performance from Massively Parallel Threaded Reading

Parallel.For step size