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Edit only owned list items in Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0

Add a document and metadata to a document library without creating 2 versions

SharePoint check in SPListItem

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Is it possible to force socket.io to use wss instead of ws, without having to change to https?

best deployment approach for VSeWSS 1.2

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How do I determine the disk size of a SharePoint list?

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Relative URLs in Sharepoint master page

How to limit the number of users that can access a SharePoint site collection?

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Zaphoyd websocketpp and wss (TLS) Client Example

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is there any secure websocket (wss protocol) client browser plugin available?

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How to set up secure websocket on Meteor app (localhost)

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Apache: Proxy websocket wss to ws

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Editing User Profile w/ Forms Authentication

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Mapping Infopath fields to Sharepoint columns

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Opening a xls spreadsheet programatically in C# from a SharePoint site in Read / Write mode

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How do you instruct a SharePoint Farm to run a Timer Job on a specific server?

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SharePoint timer jobs not getting invoked

How do I tell if a class is WSS or MOSS specific?

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