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New posts in transactions

Problem with alter then update in try catch with tran using Transact-SQL

Implementing atomic file writes in a nontransactional filesystem

Does yieldIfContendedSafely() lose the benefits of a transaction?

android sqlite transactions

Nested Transactionscope , Required -> Suppress -> Required

Redis behavior with multiple concurrent programs doing read/del on the same hash key

SqlDependency subscription not working when using IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted in (unrelated?) Transaction

Spring transactions in scheduled task - detached entity error

Spring @Transactional is not working

How to execute transactions (or multiple sql queries) in firebird using c#

Java more than one DB connection in UserTransaction

pg-promise: use result of one query in next query within a transaction

Does closing a SQLAlchemy ORM Session roll back uncommitted changes?

Exception handling around the rollback of a SqlTransaction

c# .net sql transactions

Understanding MSDTC in Windows

c# transactions subsonic msdtc

Nhibernate transactions:Avoiding Nhibernate dependency in the service layer

MySQL Transactions using C++?

c++ mysql transactions

rails observer custom callback

How to stop rollback in MDB?

Use prepared statements everywhere in PHP? (PDO)

Will a mysql transaction work if multiple connections are used for the queries?

php transactions mysqli