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New posts in transactions

What is a web service?

Why aren't RedBean's transaction functions working?

php mysql transactions redbean

Commit during transaction in @Transactional

Why mysqli open transcation locks the database?

php mysql transactions mysqli

Neo4j - Duplicates Despite Using Merge

What is the difference between sql batch and transaction in orientdb?

sql tsql transactions orientdb

Does TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED make sense for retrieving entities?

How To Maintain Transaction in N-Tier Architecture

Logging JDBC/Hibernate/JPA transaction isolation levels

JMS transaction issue

spring 3 @controller not able to inject service object which has @Transactional

MySQL pause index rebuild on bulk INSERT without TRANSACTION

mysql transactions indexing

UINavigationController custom transition animation on Back button

do database transactions prevent other users from interfering with it

Erlang Mnesia - mnesia:transaction(F) vs. mnesia:activity(transaction, F)

transactions erlang mnesia

Hibernate merge and flush do not persist changes to an object

spring transaction management Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW not working

Spring, Hibernate transactions. Joining a transaction in Thread B created in A. Possible?

Weblogic Error: Caused by: weblogic.transaction.internal.AppSetRollbackOnlyException: setRollbackOnly called on transaction

Why is the automatic transaction option in CakePHP is called "atomic"?