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New posts in tidyverse

Adding a vector as new columns in existing data frame

How to do a sort of mixed values in R

r tidyverse data-munging

How to pass extra parameter to purrr::map with dplyr pipe

r tidyverse

Replace a specific character in all of the variables in data frame

r tidyverse

Add rows to a data-frame based on values in one of the columns

r dplyr tidyverse

Replace multiple `summarize`statements by function

r function tidyverse summarize

Subset a vector of lists in R

r list dplyr subset tidyverse

reshaping rows of data to two columns

r tidyverse

How to spread a single column into wide format with 0 and 1 as values defined conditionally?

str_replace_all by position, applied over a vector

r tidyverse stringr purrr

Combine dimensions of lists of lists into separate vectors

r list merge tidyverse

finding position number of an object within a list

r list tidyverse

Create a new column based on an index column

r dataframe dplyr tidyverse

Generalised matrix scatterplots in ggplot2?

r plot ggplot2 weka tidyverse

Remove list elements that are zero-row tibbles

r tidyverse purrr

How to bin the summarised frequency table with dplyr

r dplyr tidyverse

R tidy row means from subset of columns [duplicate]

r row tidyverse

How to fix 'Quosures can only be unquoted within a quasiquotation context' error in R function

r tidyverse rlang

Unnest list and concatenate in R

r tidyverse

How to use mutate and ifelse in a loop?

r loops tidyverse dplyr