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New posts in theory

Pre-requisites for learning lambda calculus

theory lambda-calculus

Running time of set union operation

Help with the theory behind a pixelate algorithm?

colors theory rgb pixel

Secret computing: does such an animal exist?

integer division properties

Counting of algebraic data types

Thread communication theory

c++ c multithreading theory

Key concepts to learn in Assembly

theory assembly

Intended infinite recursion, no-return functions

c++ c theory

What would you include in a 10 min Grok talk on Unit Testing

unit-testing theory

How to solve the following graph game

algorithm theory

Maximum weight connected subgraph in an directed acyclic graph

Can regexes containing nongreedy (reluctant) quantifiers be rewritten to use only greedy ones?

regex theory pcre non-greedy

Optimization of "static" loops

Why are type-safe relational operations so difficult?

Is there any formal definition for "refactoring"?

Names of HTML form naming conventions

Can garbage collection coexist with explicit memory management?

Context Free Language Question (Pumping Lemma)

P=NP: What are the most promising methods?