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New posts in non-greedy

Extract data between square brackets "[]" using Perl

regex perl non-greedy

C++11 RegEx, non-greedy

c++ regex c++11 non-greedy

Complex non-greedy matching with regular expressions

python regex non-greedy

Sed replace at second occurrence

regex bash sed non-greedy

PHP preg_replace to turn **xyz** to <b>xyz</b>

Which would be better non-greedy regex or negated character class?

Why does a simple .*? non-greedy regex greedily include additional characters before a match?

javascript regex non-greedy

RegExp in PHP. Get text between first level parentheses

Make one or zero regex operator greedy

Non-greedy regex quantifier gives greedy result

.net regex non-greedy

Why is the minimal (non-greedy) match affected by the end of string character '$'?

python regex non-greedy

Regular Expression nongreedy is greedy

Can regexes containing nongreedy (reluctant) quantifiers be rewritten to use only greedy ones?

regex theory pcre non-greedy

Can I have a non-greedy regex with dotall?

python regex non-greedy

Regex is behaving lazy, should be greedy

Why does my non-greedy Perl regex still match too much?

regex perl non-greedy

Regex: Is Lazy Worse?

Make a non-greedy RegEx in backward direction to behave the same like in forward direction

non-greedy matching in Scala RegexParsers

Non-greedy Regular Expression in Java

java regex non-greedy