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Context Free Language Question (Pumping Lemma)

I know this isn't directly related to programming, but I was wondering if anyone know how to apply the pumping lemma to the following proof:

Show that L={(a^n)(b^n)(c^m) : n!=m} is not a context free language

I'm pretty confident with applying pumping lemmas, but this one is really irking me. What do you think?

like image 876
Maixy Avatar asked Apr 08 '10 02:04


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1 Answers

Edit: I was totally leading you down the wrong track. That's what happens when I try to help out when I haven't completely solved the problem myself.

Ogden's Lemma

Suppose L is context free. By Ogden's lemma, there exists an integer p that has the following properties:

Given a string w in L at least p symbols long, where at least p of those symbols are "marked", w can be represented as uvxyz, which satisfy:

  1. x has at least one marked symbol,
  2. either u and v both have marked symbols or y and z both have marked symbols,
  3. vxy has at most p marked symbols, and
  4. u vi x yi z is in L for i >= 0

That's Ogden's lemma. Now, let q be an integer divisible by every positive integer no greater than p. Let w = ap+q bp+q cp. Mark every c. By #2, u or v must contain at least one c. If either u or v contains any other symbol, then #4 fails, so u and v must contain only c. But then #4 fails when i = q/|uv|. We know q is divisible by |uv| because p > |uv| > 0, and q is divisible by all positive integers less than p.

Note that Ogden's lemma turns into the pumping lemma when you mark all symbols.

Pumping Lemma

Suppose L is context free. By the pumping lemma, there is a length p (not necessarily the same p as above) such that any string w in L can be represented as uvxyz, where

  1. |vxy| <= p,
  2. |vy| >= 1, and
  3. u vi x yi z is in L for i >= 0.

Given a string w in L, either m > n or m < n. Suppose p = 2.

Suppose that m > n. (Note that Λ denotes the empty string.)

  • Let u = an bn cm-1
  • Let v = c
  • Let x = Λ
  • Let y = Λ
  • Let z = Λ

Suppose that n > m.

  • Let u = an-1
  • Let v = a
  • Let x = Λ
  • Let y = b
  • Let z = bn-1 cm

This demonstrates that no string from L provides a counterexample using the pumping lemma to the supposition that L is a context free language (even though it is context sensitive).

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Dietrich Epp Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11

Dietrich Epp