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Sinon - when to use spies/mocks/stubs or just plain assertions?

TDD, What are your techniques for finding good tests?

NUnit best practice

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Is CI worth implementing for a one or two man project?

NUnit [Test] is not a valid attribute

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Testing Omniauth in Rails

Tips and Tutorials for using UISpec with API data

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How to unit test MvvmCross with IMvxMessenger

How to mock the same method in Prophecy so it returns different response in each of its calls

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Testing Frameworks for C [closed]

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What are the pros and cons to have a seperate project devoted to unit-tests only?

Considerations before doing test driven development

Test Driven Development - Unit Testing (in CakePHP)

How do I write a unit test when the class to test is complicated?

Test writing strategy advice

c# unit-testing tdd test-first

rails + rspec : Staying DRY when testing validations

Cucumber failing in chrome with "Retry later" message

Robot framework, how to check class

Need a real time, automatic, background compiler and test runner for C# .Net

rspec design pattern for testing multiple data points