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Sniffing network traffic for signs of viruses/spyware

How can I show file sizes with commas when getting a directory listing with 'ls -l'?

BASH get major/minor version from string

Which Linux distribution should I use as a Xen host? [closed]

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Kubernetes 1.11 could not find heapster for metrics

Renaming lots of files in Linux according to a pattern [closed]

linux sysadmin

What are the quintessential tools and resources for hosting Rails applications on Amazon's EC2?

Is there any performance hit involved in choosing gzip over deflate for http compression?

Run a linux system command as a superuser, using a python script

python linux sysadmin sudo root

PowerShell Script to Get a Directory Total Size

Test admin rights within PowerShell script?

How to find out the free disk space for a given path on a linux shell? [closed]

Opening a remote machine's Windows C drive [closed]

windows windows-xp sysadmin

When could or should I use chmod g+s on a file or directory?

unix sysadmin

Free DNS server for Windows XP/Vista/Win7? [closed]

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What are the limitations of the flask built-in web server

How do I make cron run something every "N"th minute, where n % 5 == 1?

linux unix cron sysadmin

How do I add a user in Ubuntu? [closed]

How is it possible that kill -9 for a process on Linux has no effect?

linux process sysadmin kill

How do I daemonize an arbitrary script in unix?