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New posts in http-compression

Is HTTP Content Encoding Using GZIP with Multiple Files a Possibility?

Setup IIS10 to serve pre-compressed files

How can I enable brotli compression for my NodeJS app built with express?

Minify HTML files in text/html templates

gzip compression for HTTP 1.0 proxy requests on Azure Web Sites

Which is the right way to enable compression on Apache?

Why is ScriptResource.axd compressed, even though IIS compression is disabled?

Node.JS http server with compression - sending variable as response

Compressing (Gzip or Deflate) Shows, Lists and views in Couchdb

Can I use net.TCP along with GZip technology in WCF

how to create a simple node server that compresses static files using gzip

Tomcat8 Gzip Compression for CSS, JS

"Content-encoding" header disappears from HttpHandler response if an exception occurs

IIS understand static files in MVC as dynamic content

IE scrambles script in IIS7 with static compression turned on

SDCH compression for Node?

IIS as a reverse proxy - compression of rewritten response from backend server

why png size doesn't change after using http gzip compression