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New posts in http-compression

gzip without server support?

Accept-Encoding headers being sent by browser but not received by server

OutputCache and a custom gzip compression filter

mod_deflate or mod_gzip, which should be used?

IIS 7.X Static Compression - Not Frequently Hit

iis iis-7 http-compression

How reliable is HTTP compression using gzip?

Why Chrome prompts for downloading a page as a .gz file on hyperlinks but not I enter the URL manually?

Compressing Undertow server responses

Azure Web App Not Using GZip Compression

gzip compression not working even though allowed in applicationHost.config

Why is gzip compression not working on IIS 8.5?

Configuring httpCompression settings for WIndows Azure Web Sites

azure http-compression

Rack rack.input variable getting truncated?

HTTP header compression

IIS 7 compression not working

iis-7.5 http-compression

Why is GZIP Compression of a Request Body during a POST method uncommon?

post gzip http-compression

Azure CDN - Enabling HTTP 304 Caching with ETag - Hosted Web Role

Compress/Decompress NSString in objective-c (iphone) using GZIP or deflate

How to support compressed HTTP requests in Asp.Net 4.0 / IIS7?

IIS 7.5 Static Content Compression (not consistent )