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New posts in http-caching

Stale-while-revalidate cache replacement from Varnish

How to save firestore requests by using Http cache-control?

Issue with NSURLConnection, Basic Auth and Cookies

Poco c++Net: Http get headers from response

Django prevent caching view if user is logged in

django http-caching

How do I implement client side http caching like a browser?

Edge Side Includes and validation cache in Symfony 2

symfony http-caching esi

Why does Chrome use the client cache differently in these two scenarios?

TLS Handshaking and SSL Session Reuse

How do I invalidate cache for a controller url?

'Vary: If-None-Match' to cache mobile and desktop requests separately

Caching considerations for REST collection and individual items

rest http-caching

If-Modified-Since overrides If-None-Match in the browser

What could explain the browser intermittently not loading some CORS (crossorigin) javascript files?

ETags: Validation and Cache max-age

ETag header does not return 304

I'm trying to use Java's HttpURLConnection to do a "conditional get", but I never get a 304 status code

java http caching http-caching