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C# Syntax Highlighter that outputs HTML

What is a Page Directive in .NET

Syntax specification for hint directives

delphi syntax

Scala underscore use to simplify syntax of function literals

JavaScript function different syntax? [duplicate]

javascript function syntax

Groovy dot notation on lists

syntax groovy

What is the meaning of <#= #>

How to encode space in the fragment identifier in a URL

Is there an intention behind the auto keyword in trailing return type function syntax?

Is it possible to define a CAPL function returning a text string?

string syntax capl

How to tell classes from interfaces in Roslyn's `BaseList`?

c# .net syntax roslyn

How to pass an Array of Expr (expressions) to Haxe Macro?

Starred expression inside square brackets

python numpy syntax

How is it possible to legally write ::: in C++ and ??? in C#?

c# c++ syntax

What is the syntax: `instance.method::<SomeThing>()`?

rust syntax

What does the "two periods" operator mean in the context of a subscript inside of square brackets?

rust syntax

LINQ: Why is it called "Comprehension Syntax"

c# linq syntax naming

How to escape history expansion exclamation mark ! inside a double quoted string?

bash syntax quotes

g++ rejects, clang++ accepts: foo(x)("bar")("baz");

In regex, what does \w* mean?

python regex syntax