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New posts in syntactic-sugar

Variable re-assign method result if not Nil

raku syntactic-sugar

JavaScript equivalent of Python's __setitem__

How can I hide all java.lang.Object methods from code completion?

java syntax syntactic-sugar

Does this feature exist? Defining my own curly brackets in C#

function pointer without typedef

I want more syntactic sugar in my Java! [closed]

java syntactic-sugar

Fancy file slurping in Perl

Is there a cleaner way to conditionally 'last' out of this Perl loop?

perl syntactic-sugar

How to mix binding (<-) and assignment (let) in one line? (in Haskell)

What is the $() construct?

How to inject/generate plumbing code into methods decorated with an Attribute?

What can I use as placeholders in es6 array destructuring?

Scala Map: mysterious syntactic sugar?

Output of True and []

python syntactic-sugar

Assign a single value to multiple variables in one line in Rust?

rust syntactic-sugar

Do nothing when "other side" of ternary operator is reached?

c# syntactic-sugar

What's the most C++ way to check if value belongs to certain static set?

c++ set idioms syntactic-sugar

Don't call function if None Value returned

python syntactic-sugar

Go - constructing struct/json on the fly

json go syntactic-sugar

guard desugaring