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How to mix binding (<-) and assignment (let) in one line? (in Haskell)

This is about syntactic sugar in Haskell. A simple Haskell program:

main = do
  args <- getArgs
  let first = head args
  print first

I use binding in the first line (args <- getArgs) and a pure assignment in the second one (let first = ...). Is it possible to merge them together into a readable one-liner?

I understand that I can rewrite binding “de-sugared”:

main = do
  first <- getArgs >>= ( return . head )
  print first

But is there a nicer way, without cluttering the line with (>>=) and return?

like image 857
sastanin Avatar asked Mar 18 '09 16:03


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2 Answers

liftM and head are all very well, but let us not forget pattern matching:

main = do { arg:_ <- getArgs; print arg }

or if you like layout

main = do
    arg : _ <- getArgs
    print arg

When possible, most Haskellers prefer pattern matching over head and tail.

like image 172
Norman Ramsey Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09

Norman Ramsey

Yet another possibility:

main = putStr . head =<< getArgs
like image 28
Jonas Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
