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Swift Dictionary: join key and value into string

I'm looking for a best syntax for this:

        let responseParameters = ["keyA" : "valueA", "keyB" : "valueB"]
        var responseString = ""
        for (key, value) in responseParameters {
            responseString += "\(key):\(value)"
            if Array(responseParameters.keys).last != key {
                responseString += "+"
        //responseString: keyA:valueA+keyB:valueB

Something like an array joinWithSeparator, using a flatMap or something like that. (study purpose)

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RodolfoAntonici Avatar asked Jul 11 '16 20:07


People also ask

Which one creates a dictionary with a key type of integer and value of string?

The Key type of the dictionary is Int , and the Value type of the dictionary is String . To create a dictionary with no key-value pairs, use an empty dictionary literal ( [:] ). Any type that conforms to the Hashable protocol can be used as a dictionary's Key type, including all of Swift's basic types.

What is key-value pair in Swift?

Key-Value Pairs as a Function ParameterWhen calling a function with a KeyValuePairs parameter, you can pass a Swift dictionary literal without causing a Dictionary to be created. This capability can be especially important when the order of elements in the literal is significant.

How do I append one dictionary to another in Swift?

To merge two dictionaries, you can use dictionary. merge method. You may do it in two ways. The type of keys array is same as that of keyType , and the type of values array is same as that of valueType .

Which of these collection use a key pair value in Swift?

They are: Arrays → ordered collections of values. Dictionaries → unordered collections of key-value pairs/associations.

4 Answers

You can map over key/value pairs in dictionaries to convert them to an Array of Strings, then you can join those with +. But remember, dictionaries are unordered, so this will not preserve the input ordering.

let responseParameters = ["keyA" : "valueA", "keyB" : "valueB"]

let responseString = responseParameters.map{ "\($0):\($1)" }
like image 72
Alexander Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09


Updated answer for swift 5 :

let responseParameters = ["keyA": "valueA", "keyB": "valueB"]
let responseString = responseParameters.map { "\($0):\($1)" }
                                   .joined(separator: "+")
like image 23
thibaut noah Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09

thibaut noah

A dictionary is not an ordered collection, so you'll have to sort the keys prior to accessing the "ordered version" of the key-value pairs. E.g.

let responseParameters = ["keyA" : "valueA", "keyB" : "valueB", "keyC" : "valueC"]

let responseString = responseParameters
    .sort { $0.0 < $1.0 }
    .map { $0 + ":" + $1 }

print(responseString) // keyA:valueA+keyB:valueB+keyC:valueC
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dfrib Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09


Actually, you can use reduce like: 🙌

let responseParameters = ["keyA": "valueA", "keyB": "valueB"]

let responseString = responseParameters.reduce("") { $0.isEmpty ? "\($1.key):\($1.value)" : "\($0)+\($1.key):\($1.value)" }
like image 29
M.Gökay Borulday Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09

M.Gökay Borulday