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Doctrine entity manager find by empty array collection

Vendor updates broke FOS User Bundle with "Call to a member function has() on a non-object"

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Changing vendor directory can't find files anymore using Symfony 3.4

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Using traits for service layer: is it bad practice?

Dynamic host in axios

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Symfony/Form: Too few arguments to function DoctrineType::__construct()

Symfony HTTP Cache-Control header overriding

Symfony 4: Webpack Encore - call method in other JS file

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Symfony 4 change password by username - email can not be null

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Symfony 4 use Doctrine inside a Service

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Error in bulk request : [arg] cannot be changed from type [long] to [float]

There are no registered paths for namespace [Symfony 4.3]

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Symfony Serializer XML add custom attribute to root node

Is Symfony2 Preview Release Ready For Production?

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Zend Framework or Symfony2 [closed]

PHPUnit reports a PHPUnit_Framework_Exception

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How to create 2 connections (mysql and postgresql) with Doctrine2 in Symfony2

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Symfony2 Twig url() https

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symfony2 @Template in Controller

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Override bundle action

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