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OpCache with Symfony

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How to remove parameters from query builder?

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How I can generate the slug field the from existing data in database - Doctrine Symfony2

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travis+composer repeatedly failing when loading Symfony 2.8.3

Stop a Symfony Console command

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order date query, syntax error

Symfony: Multiple similar bundles with one master?


Return an image from a controller action in symfony


Symfony 3.1: Unable to find the controller for path "/logout"

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The form's view data is expected to be an instance of MyEntity but is an instance of ArrayCollection

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Twig: {% block %} and extend

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Symfony 3 FileUpload

Symfony 2: why injecting kernel into service is bad idea?

How do I know what options are available as 3rd argument of ListMapper->add() in SonataAdminBundle

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Symfony: How to use Assert/Validation for ArrayCollection

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Load external environment parameters in Symfony 3.2 using env() at runtime return unresolved values

get route controllers/action within rendered subcomponent in symfony3


Avoid long lists of arguments in constructor service Symfony


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how set up symfony 3 doctrine migrations with multiple db?