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Is it possible to establish an association in Doctrine2 without target entity at hand?

Does Symfony 2 controller beforeAction exist?

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Symfony2: updating just one vendor bundle

Starting with Symfony2 and creating bundles

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Capifony: update vendors and deps file

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Inserting element in doctrine listener

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How do you join two tables in Doctrine2 using Query Builder if the table relationships are not setup?

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Symfony 2.0 KnpMenu custom template

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When using symfony2's form type "collection", how can I validate that at least one form has been submitted?

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How to integrate Zendframework 2 library with Symfony 2?


How to configure curl parameters in Mink?

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Database Searching Using Doctrine and Symfony2

symfony doctrine

In Symfony2 and FOSUserBundle, override the login_check

Symfony2: why access_denied_handler doesn't work

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Where to put Symfony2 custom parameters I need?

How to upgrade fully developed project in Symfony 2.0.16 to Symfony 2.1.0?

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Symfony2 (doctrine2) native sql insert

Symfony 2 + Doctrine 2 overriding entity configuration

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Removing children from entity with self-referencing One-to-Many association

PHP: "Declaration of ... should be compatible with that of ..."

php symfony