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Detect if request service is accessible in Symfony 2?

How to generate custom routes for some actions with FOSRESTBundle?

Symfony2 Ajax app_dev.php in url

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How to implement DDD with Doctrine2 within a Symfony2 project?

symfony 2: get current logged in user on non secured pages through firewall

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FOSRestBundle and JMS Serializer, error when geting JSON

use PHPExcel with composer and Symfony2.2

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accessing entity manager inside phpunittest

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Symfony 2 guide for Django developers [closed]

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toString method for SonataAdminBundle Listing in Symfony2

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Symfony2 error Expected end of string

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Troubles with symfony form

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Session lost during impersonation

symfony2: how to use translator in console command

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Conflicts with Symfony2 AsseticBundle and the 'non existing routes'

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Symfony2 service container: Inject array of services parameter as an argument to another service using XML


Symfony2 : Why getToken return null when injecting SecurityContext in a TwigExtension?

Sonata Media Bundle Override

Activate StringLoader Twig Extension in Symfony

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