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How to enable Twig's dump() in Symfony2

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Symfony2 Doctrine2 ManyToMany Composite key Column name referenced does not exist

Symfony2 OAuth2 provider error UserRepository

FOS User Bundle Form Override

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Bad credentials in authentication / login - Symfony2

Write "NOT IN" in Doctrine Query Language

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Semantical Error - Couldn't find constant X, class... ERROR

Override FOSUserBundle routes Symfony2

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Fontawesome fonts fail after assets:install and assetic:dump

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Exception handling app/logs/dev.log


How to have background image in symfony assets?

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Symfony validate a property if another property is not not blank

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How to click on a button in PHPUnit (Symfony2)

Symfony2 FOSRESTBundle REST API to return PDF

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submit a form using ajax in functional test

How do I setup up Doctrine's Class Inheritance in Symfony?

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SonataAdminBundle can not update the user password

Two buttons in a row (Bootstrap form theme for Symfony2)

Symfony dustin10/VichUploaderBundle events