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Inserting element in doctrine listener

I have setup a doctrine listener which is fired on different database actions and creates a log entity and insert it into the database.

class FOO { 
 // [...]
 public function onFlush(OnFlushEventArgs $args)
     foreach ($args->getEntityManager()->getUnitOfWork()->getScheduledEntityUpdates() as $entity) {
                $this->createLog('edit', $entity);

 private function createLog($action, $entity)
        if ($entity instanceof Log) {
        $log = new Log;
        $log->setTime(new \DateTime);
        $t            = explode('\\', get_class($entity));
        $entity_class = strtolower(end($t));
// [...]

When I update an object, I get the following error:

SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: no parameters were bound

In the profiler I see this query:

INSERT INTO vvg_logs (action, entity, foreign_id, user_id, time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

Parameters: { }

How could I resolve this problem?

UPDATE Here is my new topic connecting to this question: LINK

like image 454
David Frank Avatar asked Feb 22 '23 06:02

David Frank

1 Answers

Because when onFlush is called, all changes are already calculated and you need to refresh them if you change your entity or create a new entity.

$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$uow = $em->getUnitOfWork();
$logMetadata = $em->getClassMetadata('Your\LogClass');
$uow->computeChangeSet($logMetadata, $log);

For postPersist:

$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$uow = $em->getUnitOfWork();
$log = new Log;

$logMetadata = $em->getClassMetadata('Your\LogClass');
$className = $logMetadata->name;
$persister = $this->getEntityPersister($className);
$uow->computeChangeSet($classMeta, $logEntry);
$postInsertIds = $persister->executeInserts();

if ($postInsertIds) {
    foreach ($postInsertIds as $id => $entity) {
        $idField = $logMetadata->identifier[0];
        $logMetadata->reflFields[$idField]->setValue($entity, $id);
like image 105
meze Avatar answered Feb 28 '23 02:02
