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PHP Copy xml nodes from one doc to another

First of all, I need to Find a parent node by a specific child node value in an xml doc; Then copy some specific children nodes from the parent node to another xml doc.

For instance:

DESTINATION FILE: ('destination.xml') 
    <title>Item Title</title> 


SOURCE FILE: ('source.xml') 
         <title>Item A</title> 
         <description>This is the description for Item A</description> 
         <title>Item B</title> 
         <description>This is the description for Item B</description> 
         <title>Item C</title> 
         <description>This is the description for Item C</description> 

I want to find the parent node <item> that has it's child node <isLive> value set to "1". Then copy other children nodes of the parent node to the destination xml.

e.g. If parent node <item> has its child node <isLive> set to 1. Copy <title>, <rrp> and <offerPrice> nodes and their values and add them to the destination file as children nodes as shown above.

Pardon my technical lingo if I have not used them correctly.

Many thanks for the help guys!

like image 539
echez Avatar asked Feb 21 '23 11:02


1 Answers

With SimpleXml (demo):

$dItems = simplexml_load_file('destination.xml');
$sItems = simplexml_load_file('source.xml');
foreach ($sItems->xpath('/items/item[offer/deal/isLive=1]') as $item) {
    $newItem = $dItems->addChild('item');
    $newItem->addChild('title', $item->title);
    $newItem->addChild('rrp', $item->price->rrp);
    $newItem->addChild('offerprice', $item->price->offerPrice);
echo $dItems->saveXML();

With DOM (demo):

$destination = new DOMDocument;
$destination->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$source = new DOMDocument;
$xp = new DOMXPath($source);
foreach ($xp->query('/items/item[offer/deal/isLive=1]') as $item)
    $newItem = $destination->documentElement->appendChild(
    foreach (array('title', 'rrp', 'offerPrice') as $elementName) {
$destination->formatOutput = true;
echo $destination->saveXml();
like image 153
Gordon Avatar answered Mar 02 '23 00:03
