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swift NSDateFormatter not working

Subclassing SKSpriteNode

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How to Set a color in a titleForHeaderInSection? -swift

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SKSpriteNode zrotation M_PI is infuriating

Pull to refresh in Swift

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Checking the Notification Settings iOS8

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How to schedule a same local notification in swift

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Iterating over an array and updating value. error: '@lvalue $T5' is not identical to 'Int'


Swift enum and NSCoding

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Does NSRegularExpression support partial case insensitive?

Converting Dictionary Value to CGFloat in Swift


Screenshot programmatically and blur in Swift

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What is the best way to construct NSError object by myself in Swift

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Pass Data Between Two View Controllers Using a Custom Tab Bar Controller Class

How do I add an unordered list or a bullet point every new line in a UITextView

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How do I delegate a call to [0..<n] in swift?

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Character Animation with Metal

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Swift: Delegates / Events coming from C# background

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Use of unowned inside the closure of the closure for Swift

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Swift: How to implement a login storyboard?