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How to configure SVN web access for different write permissions?

apache svn apache2

Why does rename cause a file add rather than file changed?

svn tortoisesvn

Should I use one SVN repository for each website or create sub directorys for each site within a single repository?

svn version-control

How can I tell svn to ignore certain files anywhere?


SVN Merge Trunk to a Branch


Getting sourcecontrol on stored procedures

folder structure in a mercurial repo?

svn mercurial

Is it bad practice to allow dots in SVN tags/branches' names?

irritating TortoiseSVN error - file or directory is corrupted and chkdsk at boot

Change the active project in Eclipse - SVN Synchronize

eclipse svn synchronize

Subversion FSFS - how are revisions stored in the repository?

Include file from another subversion repository in my maven assembly

svn maven-2 maven-plugin

Always fail to apply SVN patch on remote Linux machine

linux svn patch

svn copy causes "...(403 Forbidden) in reponse to PROPFIND", other actions work


Output of svn log -v


Version Control for developers new to source control

svn version-control backup

drupal dev / stage / production setup

Using git as a better SVN

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change svn:externals property in subclipse

eclipse svn subclipse

Possible to use Subversion without a Host? That is, locally

eclipse svn