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Is it bad practice to allow dots in SVN tags/branches' names?

In my SVN repository tags are listed by version where name contains dots. e.g. 0.10 or 0.12.1

branches are named like proj-0.24-rc

In the same time, for example in Mono project branches has not dots.

Is it some practice to avoid dots? Could it be treated like extension delimiter (by web server where repository is been served), etc?

like image 416
abatishchev Avatar asked Jan 21 '23 23:01


1 Answers

I think many large projects create tags with dots/periods, so I don't think there is anything wrong with it (at least not from a Subversion standpoint).

If you have some special software that is being thrown off by the periods... Then I guess that is another story.

like image 153
Mitch Dempsey Avatar answered Jan 24 '23 14:01

Mitch Dempsey