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New posts in superclass

How super is implemented in Java?

Smart way to check super-class

Can I mock a superclass's constructor with Mockito/Powermock?

Java Web Services/JAXB - Abstract superclass

General 'map' function for Scala tuples?

super keyword without extends to the super class

java superclass super

Call method from another method in abstract class with same name in real class

How to call a parent class's @classmethod from an overridden @classmethod in Python?

method must call super() error in Netbeans

Call subclass's method from its superclass

java, initialize SubClass from SuperClass

Why HashMap with generic declaration "<? super ArrayList> does not accept value "new Object()" in the put method?

Calling superclass from a subclass constructor in Java

Maximum recursion depth error in Python when calling super's init. [duplicate]

Python: RuntimeError: super-class __init__() of %S was never called

How do I access the super-super class, in Java? [Mini-example inside] [duplicate]

java super superclass

Java: Force subclasses to override methods of the Superclass

Why protected superclass member cannot be accessed in a subclass function when passed as an argument?

Do I need to call [super init] or [super initWithCoder], etc for NSObject

How do I find the nearest common superclass of two non-interface classes

java inheritance superclass