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New posts in stdatomic

Can std::atomic be safely used with OpenMP

Why don't standard libraries implement std::atomic for structs under 8 bytes in a lock-free manner?

Assigning pointers to atomic type to pointers to non atomic type

What does "release sequence" mean?

Does C++11 guarantee memory ordering between a release fence and a consume operation?

C++ shared_mutex implementation

How to achieve a StoreLoad barrier in C++11?

Why does g++ still require -latomic

Will two relaxed writes to the same location in different threads always be seen in the same order by other threads?

Difference between std::atomic and std::condition_variable wait, notify_* methods

Atomic access to shared memory

Easiest way to implement shared integer counter in C++11 without mutexes:

Is assignment equivalent to load/store for std::atomic<bool>

C++ standard: can relaxed atomic stores be lifted above a mutex lock?

What is the difference between explicit atomic load/store and usual operator= and operator T?

c++ c++11 stdatomic

Compare and swap C++0x

Acquire/release semantics with non-temporal stores on x64

Difference between memory_order_consume and memory_order_acquire

Why does std::atomic constructor behave different in C++14 and C++17

c++ c++14 c++17 stdatomic